Two weeks ago I went to a special photo tour with go2know.
A wonderful friend told me from their trips to secret and lost places near Berlin and we went together to Hohenlychen...
A wonderful friend told me from their trips to secret and lost places near Berlin and we went together to Hohenlychen...
With five hours time we could visit three houses on the big area.
I could have had much more time for this bizarre and storytelling places...
It was unbelievable and sometimes spooky, we could "feel" that also strange things happened in this Sanatorium...
But today I want to show you the "lighter" aspects from our photo tour.
This part that I really love most in forgotten and abandoned places: when nature takes over and gets everything back!
Hope you could feel a little of the magic!
My old flame for lost places burns again and I like to visit more old darlings.
L o v e J.
Me gusta verte en la fotografía "pura" sabes sacar aquellos detalles que narran con precisión una historia.
Extraordinaria serie.
Saludos cordiales
Gracias Angel!
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